We are honoured to be supported by our industry peers, and by a number of the media sources for classical and contemporary music. Thank you to all who have shared our work through their own channels, and have a click below to read some of the coverage.
- 11/13/2013 La Scena Musicale <http://blog.scena.org>
- 11/12/2013 No Rules <http://norules-nolights.com/simoneosborne.html>
- 09/19/2013 Opera Ramblings <http://operaramblings.wordpress.com>
- 04/28//2013 Musical Toronto <http://www.musicaltoronto.org>
- 04/16/2013 Opera Ramblings <http://operaramblings.wordpress.com>
- 03/06/2012 Opera Ramblings <http://operaramblings.wordpress.com>
- 03/06/2012 Eatock Daily <http://www.colineatock.com>
- 03/02/2012 La Scena Musicale <http://blog.scena.org>
- 02/25/2012 Musical Toronto <http://musicaltoronto.org>